Geelong “Try” Boys Brigade
In 1897, inspired by the Melbourne Try Boys Brigade’s work in helping disadvantaged boys, a group of Geelong businessmen, lead by Charles Shannon (1841-1922) decided to provide a safe haven for poor working and street boys to undertake entertainment, education and other activites in the evenings.
Geelong Advertiser, 1st September 1897 page 1.
It was to prove very successful and popular. From 1909 until 1993 it was associated with Victorian Scouting. The Brigade continues its work today.
The badge above was probably a membership badge, produced by Stokes & Sons. The owner says it was his grandfather’s, and is heavy. I presume the attachment on the back is to fix the badge through a button hole. The number 337 on the back is a mystery; it is not a number for silver content. It dates between 1897-1962.
Geelong Advertiser, 14th July 1927 page 1.
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