Cardigan Buttons
In 1937 ‘novel’ buttons suitable for cardigans and dresses were on sale.

The Border Star (Coolangatta, Qld), 16th April 1937 page 1.
In 1950 G. Herring advertised so-called “cardigan buttons”.
It is a bit of a gimmick, as the “backing disk” is simply a smaller matching button.
They had also been sold on large cards; I only have portions of these. A picture of a ball of wool, only glimpsed on the below sample, decorated these. Hopefully I will find a complete card one day!
The ‘safety disks’ are hidden behind the larger buttons mounted on top of them. Below I have separated out several examples .
Strangely, the same idea was found on ‘Astoria’ buttons in New Zealand, mounted on the same style card as used for Beauclaire. Did G. Herring neglect to patent the idea in New Zealand? Who copied whom?
In 1953-4 General Plastic had ads specifically promoting the suitability of their buttons for hand-knits, even having a cross promotion with “Twinprufe” wool.

Detail from Australian Women’s Weekly, 27th May 1953 page 51.

The Sun-Herald (Sydney), 14th March 1954 page 5.
Of course you could be crafty and make your own buttons.

Worker (Brisbane), 21st March 1949 page 10.

The Gosford Times and Wyong District Advocate (NSW ), 7th December 1954 page 2.
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