Y.M.C.A. (A.I.F.) World War 1

Australian War Memorial item #RELAWM05467.001
Also on Cossum’s book page 71 (see yesterday’s post) is a button depicting an inverted triangle superimposed by a rectangle containing the letters ‘YMCA”. According to the AWM, the Australian YMCA rented the Aldwych theatre in London from 1917-1919 as an accomodation, dining and entertainment centre for members of the Australian Imperial Forces; this banner comes from that theatre.

The Aldwych Theatre, AWM image #5637
The YMCA were also responsible for other resources for the benefit of AIF troops, including Greenhill House. Activities included providing writing paper for letters home, film showings, libraries, religious services, concert parties, folk dancing and educational lectures.
They provided services to troops on the war front.

State Library Victoria: image #1785924.

Cowra Free Press (NSW), 21st March 1917 page 4.
They also provided rest homes and clubs in Australia for returned soldiers.
Punch (Melbourne), 20th November 1918 page 18.
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