Prison Uniform Buttons
Prison Department NSW
The colony established the Department of Prisons in 1874 which ran under that name until 1970. From 1970-2009 it was known as Corrective Services, from 2009 Corrective Services New South Wales.
In 1899 uniform regulations included, for the Chief, Deputy and first Class Warders ‘six gold-gilt uniform buttons with crown with word “Prisons Department, N.S.W. ” round rim’ for their winter jackets. The second class warders had only two small gold-gilt buttons, and no buttons were mentioned for third class warders! By 1921 warders of all classes were able to sport 6 gold-gilt uniform buttons on their winter jackets.
Prisons Department (Victoria)
Due to both changing philosopies and politics, the department underwent renaming and reforming multiple times.
1851-1869: Penal Department
1870-1960: Chief Secretary’s Department – Penal and Gaol Branch
1960-1978: Social Welfare Department
1979-1983: Community Welfare Service
1983-1992: Office of Corrections
1992-1995: Correctional Services Division within the Department of Justice.
1995-2003: split into Victorian Prison Service and the Office of Correctional Services Commissioner
2003 onwards: Corrections Victoria.
If you want to read in details about the management of prisons, see this thesis:
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