On the First Day of Christmas
My true love sent to me, a partridge in a pear tree …

The Australian Women’s Weekly, 24th November 1976 page 91.
A partridge is a medium sized, ground dwelling game bird. I don’t have one on a button, so a duck (also a game bird) will have to do. In lieu of a pear tree I will make do with some leaves and a pear.
I’m not sure about this example of a “bird” from the Royal Australian Navy News, 8th August 1980 page 3.
More appropriate is this set of Christmas stamps from 1977.

The Australian Women’s Weekly, 28th December 1977 page 15.
This craft idea from the Australian Women’s Weekly, 14th December 1977 page 135, doesn’t inspire me, but perhaps you would like to make it?
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