13th September 2023

1950s Beutron Buttons







Were these very buttons boiled for one hour before leaving the factory? Surely not, unless the boiling was part of the curing process? Surely it means a sample would boiled for quality control?


Sunday Mail (Brisbane), 18th February 1951 page 10. This ad shows the same style button. I have it in 5 sizes and a couple of visually differing plastics.

Australian Women’s Weekly, 2nd November 1955 page 10. The buttons were given a rebranding as “snow whites”.















Australian Women’s Weekly 25th September 1957 page 60.  Another image update: now they are Tropical Whites.


The odd one out here are the glass buttons on the right, even though they are sewn onto a card printed for “Opal Glo” (casein plastic) buttons.

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