Qantas has changed its logo and uniforms multiple time since its inception in 1920.

The Argus (Melbourne), 19th October 1920 page 13.

The Bush brother: a quarterly paper, September 1926: Qantas plane at Brunette in 1926.
In 1934 Qantas and Imperial Airways (a forerunner of British Airways) formed Qantas Empire Airways Limited (QEA). The first services were between Brisbane and Darwin, extending to Singapore in 1935. Most of the fleet were used for war service during WW2. Post war, services were extended to Britain.

Both by Stokes & Sons. Worn until 1967.

National Library image #40511083. 1945.

Button by A. J. Parkes Brisbane. From stewards uniforms dating from ? 1959 or 1964-69.

Walkabout (magazine), 1st November 1954 page 10. Note the winged kangaroo on the tail.
In 1944 a kangaroo logo was first introduced. In 1947 this changed to a blue ‘flying kangaroo’. In 1968 the flying kangaroo turned red. This logo lasted until 1984 when the wings were dropped.

1974 to 1987 Pilot button

Button from a 1974-87 Pucci uniform.
These buttons have no backmarks, and may have been made in China, as were the uniforms.

1993-2003 all contact staff

2003-7 Pilot’s button

Pointy leg. ?post 2007 Crew button

1989-1994 corporate wear


In 1934 there was a smart new uniform of khaki. The tropical uniform consisted of “biscuit coloured shorts, shirt, and tunic, with a khaki sun helmet.”

The Telegraph (Brisbane), 4th April 1938 page 7.
The crew uniforms were changed in the years , 1959, 1965, 1969, 1971, 1985, 1994, 2003, 2008 and 2016.

National Archives.# 7462187 1954.

National Archives. #8144880 1957.

The Canberra Times, 19th May 1985 page 38. The 1971 design uniform.

The Bulletin, 25th March 1972 page 67.

The Canberra Times, 28th December 1993 page 16. Midnight blue uniform designed by Gross and Watt.

Qantas Designed by Morrissey Vest 2003: image used with owners permission.
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