21st January 2022

Colony of Western Australia, Volunteers.

The West Australian (Perth), 5th January 1933 page 38.




Rare button from various volunteer corps are featured in Cossum’s book, pages 27-29.

Guildford Rifle Volunteers: 1874-1894

The button labelled as from Guildford has only the Gothic script initials of ‘GRV’. Without knowing the providence of the button shown, it may possibly been from the Geralton Rifle Volunteers ( see post on 23rd January.)

Attempts to form a volunteer corps in Guildford started in 1861, but did not get off the ground until 1872. At its peak in 1890 it had 6 officers and 114 other ranks. In 1899, together with Perth and Fremantle, became the 1st Infantry Regiment; Guildford being the named “E” company.

The Express (Perth), 25th July 1872 page 3. The corps was officially gazetted in 1874.

The West Australian (Perth), 21st May 1885 page 3.

From Swan Guildford Historical Society. Frederick John Read (and wife) in uniform, c.1875

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