Tailors’ Buttons
Don Tailors, Broken Hill
See also the entry for Syd Ingerson, Adelaide at http://www.austbuttonhistory.com/branded-buttons/branded-buttons-tailors-buttons-s-z/

Barrier Miner(Broken Hill). 22nd December 1909 page 5.
In 1945 this business was incorporated with Bon Marche, drapers.

Barrier Miner (Broken Hill), 6th January 1945 page 7.

Barrier Daily Truth (Broken Hill), 10th March 1945 page 3.
Mc Cowan & Co, Broken Hill
Charles M’Cowan came to Adelaide from South Africa around 1880 and worked with James Marshall & Co there until 1885. He then came to broken Hill to enter into partnership with an old friend, Mr Peter Morrison (see below). After the partnership dissolved, he continued alone in the premises later occupied by ‘Don tailors’ (see above). The business was brankrupt in 1906 and the stock sold in 1907. He left the district and died in 1915.

Barrier Miner (Broken Hill), 13th December 1905 page 1.
P. Morrison, Broken Hill
Peter Morrison continued as a tailor on his own after the partnership with Charles finished. This was from around 1890 until 1918. He retired to Adelaide, but the business retained his name until around 1925.

Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW), 23rd December 1895 page 2.

Barrier Miner (Broken Hill NSW), 7th September page 3.