TAA Uniform buttons
As the 1960s dawned, Australia was considering buying jet planes to gradually replace the turbo-prop planes then in use.

The Canberra Times, 20th November 1962 page 12.
They were introduced into service in 1964, with TAA taking the chance to launch modern new uniforms designed by Dominex. Dominex were clothing manufacturers, particularly for coats and suits, from the 1930s- until the late 1990s, possibly later. This uniform introduced a rectangular button with rounded corners. This design button remained in use until 1984.
Brim Medallions Pty, Ltd., Mitcham, Victoria
This firm existed from 1974. Along with Swann & Hudson, K. G. Luke, and Wheelen’s Castings they were amalgamated into J. J. Cash in the late 1980s.
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