NSW Veterans/Royal Veterans.
Men who were considered unfit for active service, but fit for garrison duties had been formed into Invalids companies since the 17th century. From 1802 they were named Royal Veteran Battalions. The first formed in Australia, in 1811, it consisted men of the 102nd (formerly NSW Corps) who had served in New South Wales for up to 30 years. Some had married locally and had received land grants. This company was dispersed in 1823.
Detachments were sent during 1826- 1833 to serve in roles such as mounted police and convict overseers in NSW and Tasmania. After 2 years service, they were allowed to settle and take up a land grant.
Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (Hobart), 29th September 1826 page 3.
Ron Montague describes the uniform button as a garter inscribed ‘Royal Veterans Bttn’. Officers’ versions were gilt; other ranks (O.R.) pewter. Some Veteran Crops have a number corresponding to the specific Veteran corps.
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