Yet More NZ uniform Buttons
Royal New Zealand Nursing Corps
A Nursing Reserve was formed in 1908. The Corps formed in 1915 from civilian volunteer nurses. The lamp is probably meant to reference Florence Nightingale. Whilst the lamp she used was actually a Turkish fanoos, she is often depicted carrying a “genie lamp” (as on the Australian nursing button) or as depicted on this NZ button, and in a painting (unknown source: please let me know if you can) as seen below.
Left: National Army Museum: Florence’s fanoos, a paper lamp.

Dominion, 3rd April 1915, page 6.
The Corps is an officer only corps that works along with the medical and dental corps in health care. Until 1945 it was only a part-time formation, except during periods of war.
New Zealand Women’s Royal Army Corps

The button shows a Tui bird on a perch. The Tui is a “boisterous” NZ native honeyeater.
In 1940 the Women’s War Service Auxillary was formed. This was the forerunner of the Women’s Army Auxillary Corps formed in 1942, which in turn became the New Zealand Women’s Royal Army Corps in 1948, receiving the Royal prefix in 1952. It was disbanded in 1977, when women were allowed to serve along side men in the New Zealand military.
Royal New Zealand Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
The New Zealand Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (RNZEME) took over duties from other units in 1946, receiving the Royal prefix in 1947. It was amalgamated along with the ordnance and transport corps into the RNZA Logistic Regiment in 1996.
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