Fasteners: part 2
Hooks & Eyes
An ancient form of fasteners: according to Wikipedia fasteners of this type made from bent wires were called “crochet and loop” during the 14th century, changing to the current name during the late 17th century. They were also known as “swanbill hooks”.

The Armidale Express and New England General Advertiser (NSW), 4th April 1884
Note that the above article dates the dominance of buttons as fasteners as from the mid 1870s.

Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 25th December 1912 page 44. Although in jest, the article does highlight a problem with this type of fastener. Care has to be taken to sew them on in alignment, and not to have the thread show on the right side of the material. Many hints were given in the press.

Border Chronicle (SA), 7th September 1917 page 5.

The Daily News (Perth), 3rd August 1922 page 7. Although they have never completely disappeared, the use of hooks and eyes has, apart from corsetry, been superseded by press studs and zips.

Sunday Mail (Brisbane), 27th July 1930 page 22.
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