17th August 2023

From Troves Website Archives

Trove not only archives newspapers, magazines, but also images from museum collections, and  websites, including those from businesses. From these we can view Beutron buttons from previous years.

In 2001 J. Leutenegger Pty Ltd took over Beutron. At least some, if not all, of the buttons were sourced from Thailand.

“Beutron Button Delights” were marketed in 2008-9. They seem to have been designed for craft, rather than clothing. See https://webarchive.nla.gov.au/awa/20080724130217/http://papersquared.openstores.com.au/c/372/Beutron_buttons.html

The gold edged cards, 47×81 mm, with rounded corners were used for years, possibly from around the time of the merger, and were still being sold by Leutenegger in 2015. On the back of the cards are printed a price code, an SR number ( a design number), a bar code and varying text.


The SR numbers listed in  2013 listed styles from SR0003 – SR6294, with a total of 719 styles available! https://webarchive.nla.gov.au/awa/20130501202442/http://www.leutenegger.com.au/Collections/Haberdashery/Buttons/CARDEDBUTTONS/NEWBeutronBasicCardedButtons/tabid/632/Default.aspx

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