On pages 24-26 of Cossum’s book there are examples of Tasmanian Volunteer uniform buttons. Some are quite rare and desirable! In 1862 along with the City Guards, other corps of the Southern Tasmanian Volunteers were the 1st, 2nd, Buckingham, Derwent, Manchester Unity, Kingsborough, Houn Rifles,and a Hobart Town Artillery. By 1868 only the 2nd, 4th (Houn) and City Guards remained of all these Rifle Corps.

The Hobart Town Advertiser, 5th October 1860 page 2.
1st Rifles, Southern Tasmanian Volunteers: 1860-1866
The uniform button has a central crown surmounted by ‘1st Rifles’ , with ‘STV’ for Southern Tasmanian Volunteers underneath. The corps started in 1860 and was originally the Masonic Rifle Corps. In February 1866 it was amalgamated with the artillery company.

Libraries Tasmania Collection image #PH30-1-469. members of the Artillery and 1st rifles at a shooting competition. 1865.
2nd Rifles, Southern Tasmanian Volunteers: 1860-1866

Courtesy Noble Numismatics. Backmark: Firmin & Sons, London. This button is not featured in Cossum.
The 2nd were originally the Odd Fellows Rifle Corps, and started in 1860. Their uniforms were dark green with black facings, but changed to green with red facings and gold lace. In 1863 they had 70 rank and file. They were disbanded in 1868.
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