4th February 2024

Aussie Clothing Brands

I was trying to rephotograph a ? mid 1990s Beutron sales folder (it is hard to photograph white buttons on white card: not enough contrast / black buttons on white card: too much contrast) when I noticed there were a couple of branded examples. I didn’t realise they made branded buttons.


This was a line of clothing by Bonds from the 1970s – 1990s.

The Australian Women’s Weekly, 23rd October 1974 page 93. “Bond’s Gotcha T-shirts and Tankers – just the thing for those lazy summer days. As you can see, they come in a whole range of beaut colours and colour combinations … they’re just the thing to go with your faded jeans.”

The Bulletin, 23rd March 1982 pages 60-1.

Aussie Battler

A mystery. No hint of who/what these buttons were made for. There is a line of leisure wear started in 2020 by this name: the buttons long pre-date them.

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