War-time restrictions limited the styles available.

Johnstone River Advocate and Innisfail News (Qld), 23rd August 1940 page 5.

The Sydney Morning Herald, 6th May 1941 page 5. “This neat spectator sports outfit in blue novelty crepe or lightweight flannel has white embroidery on the skirt and a smart loose-fitting jacket.”

The Sun (Sydney), 30th August 1942 page 5.

The Age (Melbourne), 30th October 1945 page 5. ‘Black satin worn by the debutante need not bring sophisicstion”. Sophistication was a bad thing for a teen in 1945.

“A casual button-up frock for a fashion-conscious teen-ager. Note the large cape sleeves.”

The Australian Women’s Weekly, 10th May 1947 page 30.

The Australian Women’s Weekly, 27th November 1948. Dior is not referenced, however all these dance frocks have his soft shoulders and exaggerated waist. Very different to the uniform-like square shoulders of the preceeding years.

The Australian Women’s Weekly, 31st December 1949 page 44. A “shortie for a teenager.”
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