9th October 2020

Uniform buttons

QEA by  A.J.Parkes Brisbane

See  http://www.austbuttonhistory.com/uniform-buttons-2/companies-and-clubs-including-merchantile-marine/

The Launceston Regiment, 12th Infantry Battalion

Stokes & Sons Melb

This regiment operated from 1914-1919. It had its roots in the Tasmanian Volunteer Rifle Regiment formed in 1878. The battalion was re-raised in 1921 and given the title ‘Launceston regiment’ in 1927. In 1960 after several mergers, splits and reformation, the Derwent Regiment and the Launceston Regiment were merged to form the Royal Tasmanian Regiment as part of the Army Reserve.

Canadian-Australian Steamship Company

Backmark: Baxter & Hicks London. 1893-1898

Miniture lifebouy souvenir, in the Australian National Maritme Museum.








Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 30th May 1896 page 27.

James Huddart owned two ships, Warrimoo and Miowera, which he traded separately from the firm ‘Huddart Parker & Co’ under the name ‘New Zealand & Australian Steam Navigation Co’ during 1892-3.  As this service between Australia and New Zealand was not financially viable, Huddart changed the firm in 1893 into the ‘Canadian Australian Steamship Co’ to focus on trans-pacific services to Vancouver then to England, with mail subsidies to increase the profitablilty of the service.

Leader (Melbourne), 12th November 1892 page 32.

Evening News (Sydney), 11th September 1897 page 1.

In 1897 it was reregistered as the Canadian-Australian Royal Mail Steam Ship Company and operated only until 1898, when in credit to the New Zealand Shipping Company, it was placed into liquidation and its services were taken over by the same. By 1910 New Zealand Shipping Company was in turn  absorbed into Union Steam Ship Company.




Australasian United Steam Navigation Co.

Backmarked: Kitchener Ltd Sydney

See  http://www.austbuttonhistory.com/uniform-buttons-2/companies-and-clubs-including-merchantile-marine/

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