University regiments
These serve/have served as training regiments.
West Australian University Regiment

Stokes & Sons Melb
The WUR as formed in 1949 to be a training unit for the Australian Army Reserve 13th Brigade.
Queensland University Regiment

Stokes & Sons Melb
A training unit of the Australian Army Reserve, 8th Brigade. It began as the University Rifles in 1932 and renamed in 1948.
Queensland Agricultural College

From Digger History.
Started in 1928, this unit was originally the Cavalry Mobile Veterinary Section. This unit was later renamed as the Regional University Regiment of Queensland (RURQ) and amalgamated with Queensand University Regiment (QUR) in 1997.

Gatton Past Students Association: 1936 Regiment. See
Melbourne University Regiment
The MUR began as the D Company, 4th Battalion of the Victorian Rifles in 1884. Sir John Monash was a Colour Sergeant of this unit. It became the Melbourne University Rifles in 1910. It was disbanded in 1942, to be reformed as the MUR in 1948.
Monash University Regiment

Stokes Melb
MONUR was named in honour of General Sir John Monash. It was a training unit of the Australian Army is association with Monash University. Sincve 1970 it became a training regiment in its own right, then in 2013 was amalgamated with MUR.
Deakin University Regiment/ Company
This unit is defunct, but existed perhaps in the 1980s-90s.
University of New South Wales Regiment
This unit became a Australian army Reserve training unit of the 8th brigade in 2018.
The university was originally called the NSW University of Technology. The university and regiment were renamed in 1958.
Sydney University Regiment
The University Volunteer Rifles was formed in 1900, part of the NSW Defence Force. It was renamed to the SUR in 1927. it is an officer training unit for the Australian Army Reserve. I have not yet seen a button, if it existed.
Adelaide University Regiment

Stokes Melb
The AUR is an Army Reserve unit, based at the Hamstead Barracks in Adelaide, but with elements in the Northern Territory and Tasmania. It was first formed in 1948 and since 1991 has soley focused on training of Reserve officer cadets.
Other Military Colleges and Schools
Army Apprentices school
The Balcombe Army Camp at Mount Martha, Victoria was opened on 2nd June 1948 for boys from 15-17.5 years as a live-in school to undertake a 3 year Army trade qualification. In 1982 it was relocated to Latchford Barracks in Bongellia, near Wodonga. It closed in 1995.
Officer Cadet School, Portsea
The Officer Cadet School was set up at Point Nepean on the site of an old quarantine station. The school started in January 1952 and continued until 1985 when officer training was transferred to the Royal Military College, Duntroon. The land has been incorporated into a national park.

Nepean Historical Society: No.3 officer cadet barrack in 1964.
Duntroon Military College

Post1952. Stokes & Sons Melb
All officer trainees of Duntroon are admitted to the Corps of Staff Cadets upon completion of initial training. Upon graduation, the cadet is promoted to the rank of lieutenant.
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