Transport Uniform Buttons
State Transport Authority (South Australia)

A.J. Parkes Brisbane 1974-94
The STA was the authority overseeing public transport in South Australia from 1974. In 1994 it was split into TransAdelaide and the Passenger Transport Board.
Bus & Coach Association SA

A.J. Parkes Brisbane
This is a cute button! The Bus SA is the industry association for the bus and coach operators.
Metropolitan Transit Authority, Victoria

Stokes Australia

Stokes & Sons
The MET was a Victorian Government authority operating passenger trains, trams and buses from 1983, when it took over from Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board, VicRail metropolitan trains division, and the Loop Authority. In 1989 it was merged with the State Transit Authority ( STA; operating country and freight trains) to form the Public Transport Corporation (PTC). The PTC was progressively privatised from 1993.
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