This button, and others, were found at the site of a shearing shed, apparently burnt down by striking shearers in 1893 on Avoca Station on the Darling River.
C. H. Shakeshaft, Kapunda
The first advert for Cornelius Henderson Shakeshaft (1860-1952) appeared in the Kapunda Herald. His son Sydney took over when his father retired in 1926.
H.G.Parker, Adelaide
Henry George Parker was born in London in 1850. He was a merchant tailor in Adelaide from around 1884, originally as Parker & Company at 666 King William Street. The firm’s name changed to H.G.Parker some time after 1915. His son, Alfred George Parker (1888-1948) had worked with his father until setting up on his own in Currie Street in 1921. Henry retired around that time.
W. Gribbles & Co, Ballarat
For more on W. Gribbles see
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