Uniform Buttons
Guinea Airways Limited

Stokes & Sons
Guinea Airways was formed on 4th November 1927 as delivering freight was difficult and slow by land in New Guinea. They were pioneers in the area of commercial air freight.

News (Adelaide), 5th November 1927 page 3.

State Library SA image #B71534/1. Lae airport c.1932
In 1937 they started a weekly service between Adelaide and Darwin, extending into regional South Australia. In 1942 the company’s headquarters in Lae were bombed with the loss of most of their aircraft. Government legislation prevented their return to New Guinea after the war. Their profitable Adelaide-Darwin route was awarded to TAA. GAL became a junior partner to ANA then in 1959 was taken over by Ansett. The airline became Airlines of South Australia on 17th January 1960.
See https://archival.collections.slsa.sa.gov.au/brg/BRG8_GuineaAirways_serieslist.pdf

News (Adelaide), 6th June 1938 page 4.
Officer Cadet School

Stokes & Sons
See http://www.austbuttonhistory.com/uniform-buttons-2/school-buttons/#COMMONWEALTH_Military_Schools
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