Her Majesty’s Queensland Navy
A website devoted to the HMQS Gayundah, of Her Majesty’s Queensland Navy, has kindly allowed me to share this image:
See https://www.gayundah.info/

Australian War memorial image #P0044.129. Crew of H.M.Q.S. in 1898.
The H.M.S. Spitfire was a wooden gun boat, launched around 1855, the first warship built in Sydney, Australia. It was presented to Queensland in 1859 as a gift for its separation into a independent colony. However, it was not considered necessary for the colony to have a naval service at that time.

The Queenslander, 4th November 1882 page 616. A sarcastic report about the start of the naval brigade.

The Queenslander (Brisbane), 28th February 1885 page 325,
The Queensland Maritime Defence Forces was initiated in 1883. The gunships Paluma and Guyundah (aboriginal for Thunder and Lightening) arrived in the colony in 1885 to patrol Queensland’s coast. After Federation they were integrated into the Royal Australian Navy. Guyundah was beached in 1958 at Picnic Point as a breakwater.
Queensland’s fleet grew to be second only in size to Victoria’s. At Federation the naval forces numbers about 750, with 250 cadets.

The Queenslander, 7th February 1929 page 35. Clock wise from top: HMQS Gayunda in 1899. Gunboat Paluma aground during floods in 1893. Steam Innace midge in 1890s. Gayunda as a gravel hulk in 1929.