21st January 2024

Rainfords: Ladye Jayne

Rainfords, like many businesses with the capacity, made AMF buttons during WW2

Of course, they were not button manufacturers: the parent company was British company Stratton that from 1860 produced knitting needles. It merged in 1920 with the companies Jarrett and Rainsford, makers of haberdashery and jewellery. In 1921  ‘Jarrett, Rainsford and Laughton Ltd’  established in Sydney a subsidiary called ‘Rainsford Ltd.’, becoming ‘Rainsford Pty. Ltd.’ in 1928. Initially they were importers only, but they later set up manufacturing.  In  February of 1935 a large fire in an adjoining building caused an estimated 25,000 pounds damage to stock. They made more than just haberdashery items.

Ladye Jane advertised from 1927: slumber nets/helmets/caps, hot pad sets, shingle pins/grips, slippers, wave setter, tortoise shell and rolled gold hair clips, silk hose, feather weight style pins, fringe hair pins, bobby pins, curl clips, shower hood (I challenge you not to burst out laughing at the picture below), automatic curl maker, moth proof clothing bags, roll formers (for popular long rolls), aerotex curlers (for fashionable puff curls and halo effects), shoulder pads, slide lock curlers, reducing chin-strap helmet (away with the double chin!), combs, and brushes.

Ladye Janye products are still available, although I suspect some of these beauties are no longer available, or even acceptable!











slide grip curlers

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