15th September 2023

“New Ways to Fasten”

Sydney Mail, 7th April 1915 page 43.











Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (Qld),14th July 1936 page 3.

The Riverine Herald (Echuca, Vic), 26th September 1942 page 3.

Is there really anything new under the sun? Buckles had been used to fasten shoes and belts, whilst lacing and hooks were a common form of fastening for women’s clothing in the 18th century.

Australian Women’s Weekly, 21st August 1941 page 19.”Fastening shortage is overcome by using gay bows to fasten a suit, one end attached in place of buttons to slip through buttonhole and tie with end on outside.” That hat is unforgiveable.

The Australian Women’s Weekly, 1st July 1944 page 19. “Bows are engaging fastening …”

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