War Workers Uniforms, part 2
Catholic United Services Australia (C.U.S.A.)
They provided canteen service, including Christmas dinner, for service men and women. They wrote letters for soldiers, provided necessities, and ran dances.
Junior Naval Auxillary
Established in April 1940 to teach girls seamanship, morse code, and semaphore.
National Emergency Women Ambulance Drivers
In Women’s National Emergency Legion (WNEL) was established in Brisbane in 1938. Their uniform was similar to that of the British Territorial Auxiliaries.
Randwick National Emergency Services (N.E.S.) Aids
The NES was formed in February 1939 to provide air raid wardens.
Red Cross Executive
Red Cross Volunteer Aid Detachment (V.A.)
Women’s All Services Canteen
The Women’s All Services Canteen (WASC) operated a free 24 hour canteen at Central Railway Station, Sydney, between 1940 and 1945 where service personnel could get a meal at any time.
Women’s Emergency Signallers’ Corps