11th February 2021

Ansett Buttons

To my surprise I discovered you can still by new/reproduction Ansett buttons and badges from Flarose Pty Ltd. Here are my three new buttons.

?Late 1950s

This basic design was used by Holyman Airways and the airway that took it over, Australian National Airways. ANA was sold to Ansett in 1957, becoming Ansett-ANA, renamed in 1968 as Ansett Airlines of Australia.

See also  http://www.austbuttonhistory.com/uniform-buttons-2/companies-and-clubs-including-merchantile-marine/

One piece with flat back and convex top, no backmark.


?Late 1950s-1960s

The button below has an RAAF type eagle on top of a map of Australia.

Backmark: Found with both Stokes & Sons and  Stokes Melb. The name “Stokes & Sons” was changed in 1962, helping to date this. Good quality button.


One piece with flat back and convex top, no backmark. Cheap finish.

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