6th September 2020

This button, and others, were found at the site of a shearing shed, apparently burnt down by striking shearers in 1893 on Avoca Station on the Darling River.

C. H. Shakeshaft, Kapunda

The first advert for Cornelius Henderson Shakeshaft (1860-1952) appeared in the Kapunda Herald. His son Sydney took over when his father retired in 1926.

Kapunda herald (SA), 10th August 1883 page 2.

The Advertiser (Adelaide), 17 July 1952 page 5.


H.G.Parker, Adelaide


Henry George Parker was born in London in 1850. He was a merchant tailor in Adelaide from around 1884, originally as Parker & Company at 666 King William Street. The firm’s name changed to H.G.Parker some time after 1915. His son, Alfred George Parker (1888-1948) had worked with his father until setting up on his own in Currie Street in 1921. Henry retired around that time.

Evening Journal (Adelaide), 8th January 1884 page 1.

State Library SA
The Imperial Hotel c.1896 on the corner of King William and Grenfell Streets. The name Parker can be seen on the awning at the left.

W. Gribbles & Co, Ballarat

For more on W. Gribbles see  http://www.austbuttonhistory.com/branded-buttons/branded-buttons-tailors-buttons-s-z/

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