J. K. Cossum, in his book “Buttons of the Defence Forces in Australia” shares images of some very rare buttons. Here is another for my wish list:
Ballarat Volunteer Rangers
From an auction catalogue of Noble Numismatics https://www.noble.com.au/site/docs/cats/sale_117/A19.pdf page 183; with thanks.
The corresponding button shown on Cossum page 9 has the bugle surmounted by the QV crown, with ‘BALLARAT VOLUNTEER RANGERS’ in the border around the circumference dated by Cossum as c.1875 (but probably 1863-1883).

Australian War memorial image P08862.001. According to the AWM: ‘The Ballarat Volunteer Rifle Regiment was formed on 26 July 1858 … A month after forming, the Ballarat Volunteer Rifle Regiment was renamed the Ballarat Rangers, this name being used until 1884, when it became the 3rd Battalion, Victoria Rifles. In Victoria, scarlet cuffs were worn only by Prahran & South Yarra Rifles and the Ballarat Rangers – but the sash belt with bugle horn inside a garter surmounted by a crown, which the soldier in this carte de visite is wearing, was worn only by the Ballarat Rangers. A shako (not a later busby) rests on the chair beside the officer, and suggests a date of around 1862-63. The length of the lace on the cuffs denotes a higher rank – and if this officer is a major, then he is probably Major R. Wallace, who retired in 1863.’

Australian War Memorial 1858 style Officer’s tunic of the Ballarat Volunteer Rangers. Worn with trousers of the same colour with a black lace stripe and a fur shako or busby.